A White-crowned Sparrow perches on dried plants on the shore of Drew Lake
A Lesser Goldfinch feasts on seeds in the early morning at Drew Lake
A group of Marbled Godwits take flight in Elkhorn Slough
A Black-tailed Jackrabbit encountered on the way out of Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge
A White-crowned Sparrow pauses mid-preen at Pigeon Point Lighthouse
A Canada Goose grazes in the early morning light at Lake Quinault
A Sanderling chases a Willet who caught a sand crab at La Selva Beach
Brown Pelicans and Caspian Terns take off at the Pajaro River estuary
A Snowy Plover wades through high tide at Zmudowski State Beach
A juvenile Western Gull feeds from a seal carcass on the shore of Zmudowski State Beach
A Herring Gull strides away from the oncoming tide at Zmudowski State Beach
A White-crowned Sparrow perches on a dried boquet at Drew Lake
A Barn Swallow perches over the Sacramento River in Isleton
A brown Rock Pigeon drinks from a hose in Pillar Point Harbor
A Dark-eyed Junco regards the photographer at the UC Los Angeles campus
Snowy Plovers line the ridged sand at Zmudowski State Beach